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The Women's Divison


The objectives of the Women's Division are to bring together women in all branches of the electrical industry in and near Chicago for the advancement of the industry through a better understanding of the services rendered by electricity, to disseminate that knowledge through regular dinner meetings, to advance and promote fellowship through participation in a common cause, and to further the aims and purposes of the Electric Association.

Who Can Join

Women employed by firms or institutions engaged in producing, distributing, studying, or publicizing any aspect of the electrical industry. Our members come from all segments of the electrical construction industry:electrical contractors, engineering firms, manufacturers, distributors, manufacturer's representatives, and others.


Three educational meetings are held each year. In addition, an annual Winter Holiday Party and Summer Social are held. Regular meetings are open to both members and non-members.

Governing Body

The Women's Division is governed by an Executive Committee consisting of Women's Division members. Their decisions are subject to the approval of the Electric Association's Board of Directors.

2024 Women’s Division President:
Gidget Oplawski, Schneider Electric

Kris Fedoruk, GE Current
Linda Fox, Active Electric Supply
Cathy McCoy, Cole Wire
Annette Sunke, Paramont-EO
Dipal Pater, Wesco
Carissa Grossman, Hubbell

Annual Dues

$65 per year.

Click here to pay your Women's Division Dues online.

View group history on the Women's Divisions 85th Anniversary Slideshow from 2011.

If you are interested in becoming a member, you can apply online here.